Vegas end of Elizabeth

When it comes to traffic planning, Melbourne isn’t very liveable at all. The city council recently announced it’s putting “pedestrians first” (sigh) and may ban cars from certain parts of the city. And it’s getting rid of longstanding free parking on Sundays and evenings. Now, Lord Mayor Sally Capp says they want to build a…


You get lots of free advice at 60. The prepaid funeral ad claims 60 is the new 50, but, according to my 67-year old chiropractor, 60 is the new Seventh Seal – a Swedish film in which the main character plays a game of chess with Death. I’m not complaining, though, 60 doesn’t need a…

World’s most liveable city

Apparently, Melbourne will soon overtake Sydney as Australia’s largest city. I’m not saying this is a good or bad thing, but that’s certainly a lot of bike lanes, green paint and ‘shouty white arrows to nowhere useful’ we need to construct by 2030. Melbourne City Council needs to get cracking and maybe put the anti-Invasion…

Kafka, cycling lanes and Melbourne madness

I’ve been thinking a lot about bike lanes lately. But mainly last week, when I sat for 40 minutes across from the brightly lit Crown Casino entrance in a Queens Bridge St traffic bottleneck because three lanes have been reduced to one with concrete bollards, raised tram-only lanes, and super sized arrows that I keep…